Every so often, the technology industry goes crazy. To get three events along those lines in the same week just blows the mind. On this podcast, Ian and Ryan discuss the critical stories: Intel buying custom GPUs from AMD, Raja Koduri leaving AMD, Raja Koduri joining Intel, Intel to create custom GPUs, and Qualcomm announcing Centriq 2400. 

The AnandTech Podcast #42: Intel with Radeon Graphics

Recorded on November 10th 2017
Edited by Gavin Bonshor


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Total Time:  1 hour, 14 minutes 50 seconds

Outline (hh:mm:ss)

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:00:15 – Intel, with Radeon Graphics
00:30:10 – Raja Koduri leaves AMD: What happens to RTG?
00:38:15 – Raja Koduri joins Intel: Intel to make discrete graphics
01:00:29 – Qualcomm Launches Centriq
01:11:50 – FIN

Relevant Links

00:00:15 - Intel to Create new 8th Generation CPUs with AMD Radeon Graphics with HBM2 using EMIB
00:30:10 - Raja Koduri, AMD’s Radeon Tech Group Leader, Resigns
00:38:15 - Intel to Develop Discrete GPUs, Hires Raja Koduri as Chief Architect & Senior VP
01:00:29 - Qualcomm Launches 48-core Centriq for $1995: Arm Servers for Cloud Native Applications

Apologies for the audio compression of Ian's audio, it was inherent in the original recording. We now have an editor on staff who will be assisting with the audio setups in future podcasts.

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  • Jon Tseng - Monday, November 13, 2017 - link

    >Every so often, the technology industry goes crazy.

    Nah. Never happens. I means that's as frequent as like Ian and Ryan recording a podcast!

    Downloading it now... Been a while guys! :-p
  • ImSpartacus - Monday, November 13, 2017 - link

    Yeah, I'm pumped.

    I almost wish this was a regular thing - just the AT guys getting together once a month to chat for an hour about whatever interests them in tech at the moment.
  • Gich - Monday, November 13, 2017 - link

    Buy some recording equipment ffs, it's embarrassing.
  • Ian Cutress - Monday, November 13, 2017 - link

    Read what it says under the image? Seriously, no idea why my audio is compressed. I'm using an XLR directional mic, with phantom power, into the motherboard. It may have been that auto-microphone noise suppression was enabled. With it disabled, it picks up a lot of background, despite being a directional mic, given that I have five test beds running benchmarks on the other side of the office. We're going to try a different recording method next time.
  • Ian Cutress - Monday, November 13, 2017 - link

    We're also in different locations, so we are locally recording.
  • Gich - Monday, November 13, 2017 - link

    I don't want to be a dick... but if you have the equipment it's even worse.
  • Klober - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - link

    Then next time maybe don't be one? Just a thought.
  • HStewart - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - link

    Interesting POD Cast but I think Raju might be headed for something more important
    I was just curious about any hints on Intel's direction and think they are looking to combine the FPGA and Xeon technology - a lot of this directly head at NVidia.

    But I think the following Post is not for Raju but someone else important out - especially related to buying Altera


    I believe last week was planned and I also don't expect the AMD GPU to last long in Intel. Keep in mind Raju work for Apple and maybe they wanted him to do something AMD that basically AMD could not do. I don't believe Raju efforts will be limited to high end expensive GPU's - but consumer level products - to make discrete GPU's available mobility with more performance and less power consumption

    Just my feeling
  • tipoo - Thursday, November 16, 2017 - link

    No knock against you guys, but at times like this, to hear what Anand would say about it...What a sea change in the industry in just a few days.
  • ninaheidi - Saturday, April 3, 2021 - link

    Thank you very greatly! It's been too extended since the last Anandtech podcast. https://www.essaymills.co.uk/cheap-thesis

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