Mojang's indie game Minecraft, which has sold more than four million copies on the PC, is coming to iOS on November 17th according to its page in the iTunes Store. The game, called Minecraft Pocket Edition, appears to be more or less identical to the game of the same name that was released to the Sony Xperia Play and the wider Android Market earlier this year. The game is a universal app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, and will cost $9.99.

Unlike the PC version of Minecraft, which includes multiple game modes, alternate dimensions, craftable items, non-player characters, and a fairly robust internet multiplayer feature, the Pocket Edition is still fairly sparse: you can explore the randomly-generated world, build with unlimited supplies of 36 kinds of blocks, and play multiplayer over a local network.

Like the full version of Minecraft, expect this game to be updated with new features as time goes on, especially once Mojang gets Minecraft's first non-beta release out the door later this week at its Minecon convention in Las Vegas. 

Source: iTunes

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  • Urbanmech - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    I love Minecraft for PC, play it a lot. But $10 for a stripped down version, seems a bit expensive.
  • Titen96 - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link

    But remember the updates will be free, remember when minecraft first went on sale? It was 15 dollars and the features weren't complete then either, the updates will be free too
  • StevoLincolnite - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link

    Game updates should always be free.
    Heck Blizzard are still patching the original StarCraft and that has been around for almost 14 years, never had to pay for a single update.
  • Death666Angel - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link

    Minecraft updates are in the region of DLC to Add-Ons for other games.
  • davidcolquhoun - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link

    Crap video, but it does perform nicely on an iphone4. Lets hope they add some more features to it soon.
  • Death666Angel - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link

    After this article I downloaded the Minecraft Android Demo. It just doesn't have the same appeal as the PC version. Building things on this small screen with my hands cluttering up half of it and having difficulties placing/destroying blocks in a reasonbly fast way just doesn't feel good. Also, on the PC I usually game with Minecraft in window mode and something else on the other screen (article, good movie/tv show...) because it is kinda repetitive in a lot of aspects and focusing 100% of my time on it seems likes a waste.

    P.S.: The full version is 4.99€ for me on Android.

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