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  • Morawka - Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - link

    PS4 games are pretty weak graphically. If i wanna play a lot of indie i'd play pc
  • cmdrdredd - Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - link

    Cause they totally look better on PC than PS4...sheesh. You aren't paying for them!
  • Morawka - Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - link

    that's not what i meant......
  • Nataswon - Thursday, July 31, 2014 - link

    I think Morawka was referring to the free titles here, "graphically" speaking as Road Not Taken isn't exactly what one envisions on a shiny new PS4. I am guessing this is Morawka's point because I had the same thought when I got my PS4 almost a month ago. I snagged Towerfall Ascension and was frowning at this new wave of pixel graphic games. My kids enjoy it and I warmed up to it primarily because I suck at it and therefore it's a challenging game but not a 'goto' title to show off what PS4 can do. LOL

    As a former PC Gamer who got sucked into consoles years ago, I completely understand the argument but some titles nowadays seem to me, pretty close to their pc counterparts.

    With regards to the topic at hand, I can see 2 out of 6 titles as ones I won't go out of my way to download (Road Not Taken and Proteus). Probably unfair to judge them by a screenshot but it sure doesn't help either. I still give PS Plus a higher grade over the obscure and head scratching choices Xbox's Games with Gold offers.
  • Ortanon - Sunday, August 3, 2014 - link

    It'll take a while for the PS4 to build up a solid software catalog before you start seeing "PS4!" Instant Games.
  • B3an - Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - link

    This is out of place on this site.
  • cwolf78 - Thursday, July 31, 2014 - link

    I think a lot of people that frequent this site game both on PC and a console of some sort. I think it's fair that they have PS Plus and Xbox Live monthly free games covered. Saves me the time of having to look myself. I predominantly game on PC, but I do have a PS Plus membership. As anyone with a PS3 will tell you, the PS Store in it's current form is god awful slow and a PITA to use, and this saves me the agony if there isn't anything worthwhile.
  • cresilux - Thursday, July 31, 2014 - link

    I don't find the internet store to be especially hard to access. I casually check it out frequently.
  • barleyguy - Thursday, July 31, 2014 - link

    When Anandtech started doing game announcements, specifically Humble Bundles, there was a front page thread asking what people thought, and whether they should keep doing it. The consensus was yes, the people that posted in that thread wanted it to continue.

    I actually really like these, because I read Anandtech every day, and I'm both a Playstation Plus member and a Humble Bundle buyer. So it puts this information on a site I read every day instead of having to go search for it.

    So I vote to keep these articles.
  • Subyman - Friday, August 1, 2014 - link

    Eh, I let my PS Plus lapse because of the really weak PS4 offerings. A bunch of $10 indie games isn't what I'm here for. I already have most of those on PC.The PS3 games are usually pretty good, but I don't play that anymore. Would be nice to have a bigger budget game every now and then for the PS4.
  • DanSori - Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - link

    Why PS+ is not offering games with good graphic quality, only those indie games with pixel graphics.
    I Would love to see Kill Zone Shadow fall or something like that.
  • entrapped89 - Tuesday, September 2, 2014 - link

    You do realise that Sony will not make a profit on the PS4 for at least another year? So it's kind of logical they won't give you the games that they need to turn a profit? This gen's console wars was a brutal one and both Sony and Microsoft needed to cut the costs and the budget at the same time. It's amazing they actually give you free, full games at all instead of the so-called 'free to play' moneymachines ;)

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