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  • GuniGuGu - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    Hmm... $300-400 for something pretty similar to the nexus 4 released in Q4 2012??
  • Ashwingr8 - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    "Brand" is a cool name..
  • xdrol - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    You mean, a cool brand?
  • sunilzishan - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    Tegra 4 iPhone? O.o
  • thesavvymage - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    the chip is the Tegra 4i. As he is using the reference platform device, he is using a Tegra 4i Phone.
  • MrCommunistGen - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    I noticed the same thing. I'm referring to the fact that lots of ignorant consumers call the iPhone 4 the "4i". Ignorant customer walks into a store and says: "I'd like to buy a 4i" or similarly when they ask for a 4GS or 5G. I'm going to kill this rant before it gets started in ernest.
  • glenricky - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    I think the performance should be on par with Snapdragon 600 right? So actually its not so bad
  • SetiroN - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    No. It should be on par with tegra 3, graphics excluded.
  • Wilco1 - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    It should be faster than Tegra 3 as it uses A9R4 (~15% IPC improvement) and clocks at up to 2.3GHz.
  • fteoath64 - Saturday, June 15, 2013 - link

    "A9R4 (~15% IPC improvement)" coupled with more optimizations like larger (and faster cache 2MB), dual channel LP-DDR2 800Mhz RAM, all of which does about 30% improvement over the stock A9 ref design!. Yes, on Par with S600 but its gpu is going to bull doze most Arm SoCs out there. Integrated i500 modem is also rather flexible. It is a shame, we had to wait until Q1 next year for it.
  • SetiroN - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    How nice, a quad core A9 in 2014. Very innovative.
  • just-me - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    It's A9 r4, just those ARM folk don't make a big deal by calling it a 800 vs 600 - given its GHz and the r4 changes, you should be looking forward to what it might bring in the perf vs cost vs battery
  • evonitzer - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    Yeah, the change is similar to an Intel Tock. Die shrink, with some IPC improvements and higher clocks (2.3 GHz). I think Arm should try to make a bigger deal out of this, but we'll just have to see how performance is in practice. Should be pretty good.
  • etamin - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    die shrink should be a tick in Intel terms
  • evonitzer - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    Yes, I remembered my mistake, but you beat me to the punch. So hard to keep straight!
  • TheJian - Wednesday, June 12, 2013 - link

    15-30% faster IPC and 5x the gpus clocked faster...You couldn't be more off.
    2x perf of T3, I'm guessing that includes the 2.3ghz vs. old either 1.7 or 1.3ghz. Either way it's a LOT faster even with just the mhz, throw in the IPC and you get a HUGE completely different phone.
    "Tegra 4i’s new CPU was designed by ARM with help from NVIDIA and sets new standards for efficiency and performance while being 2x the performance of the previous revision of Cortex-A9 found in Tegra 3."
    Page 4 of their own doc.,2817,2415515,
    "R4 has 15-30 percent higher performance per clock cycle than the A9s used in chips like the Nvidia Tegra 3, and can be cranked up to even higher clock speeds; the first 4i will run at 2.3ghz while using less power than either the Tegra 3 or Tegra 4."

    Also note everyone will get these enhancements as NV had to give them back to arm. NV haters crack me up. It's also 1/2 the size of T3 while doing all this. Some people. It should match or beat S600, so I guess you think that sucks too eh?
  • syxbit - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    They're still using single channel memory in 2014? Give me a break.
  • etamin - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    and ddr2 at that
  • TheJian - Wednesday, June 12, 2013 - link
    DDR3 amped up which DOUBLES T3 bandwidth without hurting idle efficiency. In the PC mag article they note they worked on memory perf most. This shouldn't be a problem.

    For a hands on report, why no benchmarks or even a comment about perf? It's almost as if there was no hands on at all.
  • Solrax - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - link

    I'd trade a couple of mm of thickness for better battery life.
  • max1001 - Thursday, June 20, 2013 - link

    This is a ref design phone.
  • firewall597 - Monday, June 17, 2013 - link


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