We've been tracking and updating our iPhone 4S' to each beta of iOS 5.1, and today Apple has pushed out an OTA version of iOS 5.1 Beta 3 (build 9B5141a). The update changes baseband firmware on the 4S to 1.5.04 (from 1.4.00 in iOS 5.1 Beta 2) and also reintroduces the 3G toggle on our AT&T iPhone 4S. This is a very welcome and timely change especially considering that AT&T WCDMA is almost unusable in Las Vegas, making EDGE sometimes the only way to stay connected. 

iOS 5.1 B3 Above - And yes, that's AT&T in the Venetian in Las Vegas this very moment.

I'll be testing the heck out of iOS 5.1 B3 to see whether the baseband instability introduced by 1.4.00 has been fixed finally, or whether the problem persists. In the meantime, having the 3G toggle back is a huge breath of fresh air. I'll be updating as necessary. 

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  • doobydoo - Friday, January 13, 2012 - link

    Correcting the 3G switch has nothing to do with battery life.

    You'd have to be some kind of moron to criticise the fact that you can turn 3G on or off. The fact that it WASN'T there was the only notable thing.

  • estover - Monday, January 16, 2012 - link

  • JNo - Friday, January 13, 2012 - link

    I don't think you can 100% absolutely say that it has *nothing* to do with battery life. Turning 3G off can only save battery life and that may be important to *some* people other than you *sometimes* - like when they're running out of battery but still want phone functionality. Ain't no smartphone that has satiating battery life, even apple.

    If it was an 'oversight', fair enough but I'm surprised and I wouldn't put it past apple to think that it was their duty to enable 3G all the time on their customers' phones for some weird control/user experience reason.

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