
One of the most visited parts of the AnandTech website is our benchmark database, Bench. Over the last decade we've placed as much benchmark data as we can in there for every sample we can get our hands on. As the CPU editor, one of my duties is to maintain the CPU part of Bench, making sure the benchmarks are relevant and the newest components are tested. Today we are announcing our latest major Bench refresh with our new Benchmark suite, and some very lofty goals.

990FX Motherboard Roundup with Thuban and Bulldozer – A Second Wind for ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI and Biostar

Ever since the launch of the Bulldozer range and 9-series motherboards, the initial reviews of the processors were not encouraging to say the least. Since then, AMD has...

57 by Ian Cutress on 4/5/2012

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