
One of the core challenges that Rapidus will face when it kicks off volume production of chips on its 2nm-class process technology in 2027 is lining up customers. With Intel, Samsung, and TSMC all slated to offer their own 2nm-class nodes by that time, Rapidus will need some kind of advantage to attract customers away from its more established rivals. To that end, the company thinks they've found their edge: fully automated packaging that will allow for shorter chip lead times than manned packaging operations. In an interview with Nikkei, Rapidus' president, Atsuyoshi Koike, outlined the company's vision to use advanced packaging as a competitive edge for the new fab. The Hokkaido facility, which is currently under construction and is expecting to begin equipment installation...

Samsung Foundry Updates: 7nm EUV, 10LPP, and 14LPC

Earlier this week, Samsung announced a number of updates on the foundry side of their business. While process technology might not be necessarily as interesting as the actual end...

54 by Joshua Ho on 4/22/2016

EUV Lithography Makes Good Progress, Still Not Ready for Prime Time

At the recent annual SPIE Advanced Lithography conference, Intel, TSMC and other leading semiconductor companies said that significant strides have been made in extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) over the...

38 by Anton Shilov on 3/10/2016

Samsung Announces Second-Gen 14nm Low Power Plus (14LPP) Process Now In Mass Production

Today Samsung Semiconductor officialy announces mass production for its second generation 14nm FinFET manufacturing node. Early last year we saw Samsung announce mass production of its first generation FinFET...

32 by Andrei Frumusanu on 1/14/2016

The Samsung Exynos 7420 Deep Dive - Inside A Modern 14nm SoC

Over the past few years it’s been somewhat expected tradition for Samsung Electronics to employ a strategy of multi-sourcing the SoC for their mobile devices. Most notably it’s on...

114 by Andrei Frumusanu on 6/29/2015

Nantero Exits Stealth: Using Carbon Nanotubes for Non-Volatile Memory with DRAM Performance & Unlimited Endurance

The race for next generation non-volatile memory technology is already on at full throttle. We covered Crossbar’s ReRAM announcement last year and last week a very exciting company with...

35 by Kristian Vättö on 6/11/2015

Avago Acquires Broadcom Corporation For $37 Billion

Today Avago Technologies announced their acquisition of Broadcom for 17 billion dollars in cash and 20 billion dollars worth of Avago shares. This will leave Broadcom shareholders with 32%...

33 by Brandon Chester on 5/28/2015

GlobalFoundries Acquires IBM’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Business; IBM Bows Out

The history of the semiconductor manufacturing business is both a story of great success and great failure. On the one hand semiconductor manufacturing has allowed the creation of devices...

31 by Ryan Smith on 10/20/2014

An Introduction to Semiconductor Physics, Technology, and Industry

Learning about semiconductor physics and technology can be a daunting task. While it’s easy enough to understand what a transistor does and some of the terminology thrown around, getting...

77 by Joshua Ho on 10/9/2014

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