
Corsair, a longstanding and esteemed manufacturer in the PC components industry, initially built its reputation on memory-related products. However, nearly two decades ago, Corsair began diversifying its product line. This expansion started cautiously, with a limited number of products, but quickly proved to be highly successful, propelling Corsair into the industry powerhouse it is today. One of Corsair's most triumphant product categories is all-in-one (AIO) liquid coolers. This success is particularly notable given that their initial foray into liquid cooling in 2003 did not meet expectations. However, Corsair didn’t throw in the towel. Undeterred, they re-entered the market years later, leveraging the growing popularity of user-friendly, maintenance-free AIO designs. This gamble paid off handsomely, as AIO coolers are now one of Corsair’s flagship product lines...

Pairing with a Game: Thermaltake announces Urban S71 World of Tanks Edition

The concept might come across and something strange. If a hardware manufacturer creates a product with a video game tie-in, then the product might only appeal to those that...

4 by Ian Cutress on 8/6/2014

Thermaltake Goes Small: Core V1 mini-ITX Chassis Launched

When meeting with one of Thermaltake’s main press relations people at Computex, he was keen to show off what he described as ‘his baby’. We reported on the Core...

19 by Ian Cutress on 8/4/2014

Thermaltake Goes Big: Water 3.0 Ultimate CLC Launched, 3x120mm

Truth be told, I am a fan of closed-loop liquid cooling systems. While they might be more expensive than air coolers of similar performance, they tend to be quieter...

7 by Ian Cutress on 8/4/2014

Nanoxia Releases Deep Silence 3 Mid-Tower

One of Nanoxia’s raisons d’être is for the ultra-silent cases, even if fans are involved. Part of the complexity of silent designs with fans is managing the air...

5 by Ian Cutress on 8/4/2014

Lian Li’s PC-V2130 Full Tower Announced

Our trip to Lian Li at Computex this year sported several models of their new range of desk-based chassis, but on the side lines next to those we caught...

7 by Ian Cutress on 8/2/2014

SilverStone NightJar NJ520 Power Supply Review

Most PCs don't require a massive power supply capable of 750W or more sustained output, and even the 500-550W models can be overkill for many users. Today we'll be...

44 by E. Fylladitakis on 7/8/2014

Computex 2014: Fanless PSUs from Silverstone and Enermax

When a power supply becomes sufficiently efficient, it loses less energy from the input as heat. Given the right conditions, a very efficient and low rated power supply...

13 by Ian Cutress on 6/12/2014

Computex 2014: Lian Li’s DK-02X Chassis That Is Also a Desk

A couple of weeks before Computex, Lian Li pushed forward a press release regarding their new DK-02X chassis that doubles up as a desk. The premise is simple &ndash...

14 by Ian Cutress on 6/12/2014

Computex 2014: Thermaltake Core V1, a Windowed mini-ITX for $50

Speeding by the Thermaltake booth at Computex and our contact showed us the new Core V1, an exciting mini-ITX case where the top, sides and bottom of the case...

12 by Ian Cutress on 6/6/2014

Corsair Presents the Hydro Series HG10 GPU Liquid Cooling Bracket

In its endless rampage of new product releases today, Corsair has also presented the Hydro Series HG10 GPU cooling bracket, a solution for those that want to install an...

11 by E. Fylladitakis on 6/2/2014

Corsair Unveils Three New Cases: the Graphite 380T, the Carbide Air 240 and the Graphite 780T

Corsair went berserk with new releases today. Announcing nearly a dozen new products is somewhat shocking, even if some of them are upgrades of older successful products. The company...

6 by E. Fylladitakis on 6/2/2014

Corsair Releases New PSU series: HX750i, HX850i and HX1000i

Corsair's HX PSU series is of special significance to the company, as it is the first PSU series that Corsair released back in 2006. Corsair today announced its upgraded...

3 by E. Fylladitakis on 6/2/2014

Computex 2014: Be Quiet!’s New Case and Power Supplies

Our first meeting this week at Computex is with Be Quiet! and we were shown a new case aimed at low noise output, due for the market in September...

2 by Ian Cutress on 6/1/2014

EVGA Supernova 850 G2 Power Supply Review

Diversification is an important strategy for any company that wants to continue to grow, especially if their initial market segments become saturated. We've seen motherboard, memory, and now graphics...

23 by E. Fylladitakis on 5/30/2014

XFX Type 01 Bravo Case Review

Companies often try to diversify their product lineup into other market segments, and today's review is such an attempt. XFX began as a graphics card manufacturer, later branching into...

28 by E. Fylladitakis on 5/16/2014

Corsair’s AX1500i Released: A 1500W 80 Plus Titanium PSU

Shopping around for a power supply on a tight budget can be a bit of an ordeal. On forums, everyone will have their own opinion of what constitutes...

15 by Ian Cutress on 5/5/2014

Corsair RM1000 Power Supply Review

Corsair has a good reputation for their PSUs, and today they are among the most popular choices for gamers and enthusiasts. The RM1000 is the first PSU from Corsair...

55 by E. Fylladitakis on 4/24/2014

SilverStone ML04 & ML05 Slim HTPC Cases Review

Silverstone is well-known among technology enthusiasts, and while they offer a great selection of technology-related goods, cases and virtually everything enclosure-related are their specialty. The company offers a very...

39 by E. Fylladitakis on 4/18/2014

Corsair Obsidian 450D Case Review

Corsair is a company that hardly requires an introduction; almost every PC user has heard of their name and a large number own at least one of their products...

36 by E. Fylladitakis on 4/4/2014

Corsair Graphite 760T Case Review

Corsair has been releasing one case after another lately, expanding their already large ranks with an even greater variety of products. It has been less than three months since...

71 by E. Fylladitakis on 3/27/2014

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