Improving Performance on NVIDIA

If the hypotheses mentioned on the previous page hold true, then there may be some ways around these performance issues. The most obvious is through updated drivers. NVIDIA does have a new driver release on the horizon, the Detonator 50 series of drivers. However, Valve instructed us not to use these drivers as they do not render fog in Half-Life 2. In fact, Valve was quite insistent that we only used publicly available drivers on publicly available hardware, which is a reason you won't see Half-Life 2 benchmarks in our upcoming Athlon 64 review.

Future drivers may be the key for higher performance to be enabled on NVIDIA platforms, but Gabe issued the following warning:

"I guess I am encouraging skepticism about future driver performance."

Only time will tell if updated drivers can close the performance gap, but as you are about to see, it is a decent sized gap.

One thing that is also worth noting is that the shader-specific workarounds for NVIDIA implemented by Valve will not immediately translate to all other games that are based off of Half-Life 2's Source engine. Remember that these restructured shaders are specific to the shaders used in Half-Life 2, which won't necessarily be the shaders used in a different game based off of the same engine.


Gabe also cautioned that reverting to 16-bit floating point values will only become more of an issue going forward as "newer DX9 functionality will be able to use fewer and fewer partial precision functions." Although the theory is that by the time this happens, NV4x will be upon us and will have hopefully fixed the problems that we're seeing today.

NVIDIA's Official Response

Of course, NVIDIA has their official PR response to these issues, which we've published below:

During the entire development of Half Life 2, NVIDIA has had close technical contact with Valve regarding the game. However, Valve has not made us aware of the issues Gabe discussed.

We're confused as to why Valve chose to use Release. 45 (Rel. 45) - because up to two weeks prior to the Shader Day we had been working closely with Valve to ensure that Release 50 (Rel. 50) provides the best experience possible on NVIDIA hardware.

Regarding the Half Life2 performance numbers that were published on the web, we believe these performance numbers are invalid because they do not use our Rel. 50 drivers. Engineering efforts on our Rel. 45 drivers stopped months ago in anticipation of Rel. 50. NVIDIA's optimizations for Half-Life 2 and other new games are included in our Rel.50 drivers - which reviewers currently have a beta version of today. Rel. 50 is the best driver we've ever built - it includes significant optimizations for the highly-programmable GeForce FX architecture and includes feature and performance benefits for over 100 million NVIDIA GPU customers.

Pending detailed information from Valve, we are unaware of any issues with Rel. 50 and the drop of Half-Life 2 that we have. The drop of Half-Life 2 that we currently have is more than 2 weeks old. It is not a cheat or an over optimization. Our current drop of Half-Life 2 is more than 2 weeks old. NVIDIA's Rel. 50 driver will be public before the game is available. Since we know that obtaining the best pixel shader performance from the GeForce FX GPUs currently requires some specialized work, our developer technology team works very closely with game developers. Part of this is understanding that in many cases promoting PS 1.4 (DirectX 8) to PS 2.0 (DirectX 9) provides no image quality benefit. Sometimes this involves converting 32-bit floating point precision shader operations into 16-bit floating point precision shaders in order to obtain the performance benefit of this mode with no image quality degradation. Our goal is to provide our consumers the best experience possible, and that means games must both look and run great.

The optimal code path for ATI and NVIDIA GPUs is different - so trying to test them with the same code path will always disadvantage one or the other. The default settings for each game have been chosen by both the developers and NVIDIA in order to produce the best results for our consumers.

In addition to the developer efforts, our driver team has developed a next-generation automatic shader optimizer that vastly improves GeForce FX pixel shader performance across the board. The fruits of these efforts will be seen in our Rel.50 driver release. Many other improvements have also been included in Rel.50, and these were all created either in response to, or in anticipation of the first wave of shipping DirectX 9 titles, such as Half-Life 2.

We are committed to working with Gabe to fully understand.

What's Wrong with NVIDIA? More on Mixed-Mode for NV3x
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  • uturnsam - Friday, November 28, 2003 - link

    #110 continued
    Now I know why the guy behind the counter told me to steer clear of the ATI Radeon cards because of the known compatability problems when running games.

    (Computer sales guy thinking-I just read the article in the AnandTech post)

    Translated: I have a shit load of Nvidia cards and if I don't lie my ass off to my Customer's it will be game over for me!!!

    The only reason I started looking at ATI cards was I decided to spend what I saved on the CRT monitor (over the $$LCD) for higher performer card. Mr $Sales$ had me convinced I would be buying an inferior card with ATI. Worth shopping around and scouring reviews :O)
  • uturnsam - Friday, November 28, 2003 - link

    I was going to buy a Geforce5600 but looked at a 9600Pro today the thing is I was wondering if I should really blow the budget and lash out on a 9800Pro.
    I am so glad I came across this article I will stick with the 9600Pro, save some cash, sleep better at night and know when half life 2 is released I will be getting the best performance for the outlay.

  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    you can count on your 9500 being in between the 9800 and the 9600, about 30% frame rate above the 9600. the 4 pipelines will help.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - link

    I would like to see a test of the dx8 paths on some of the really older cards for those of us who are too broke for these new ones!!

    For instance, I have a geforce2 GTS that I love very much and works just fine on everything else. I don't want to have to upgrade for one game.
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, September 21, 2003 - link

    I would like to see how they compare with a 5900 using Detonator 44.03 driver. Yes I know its an older driver. But in my tests it provided higher benchmarcks than the 45.23 driver.

    Has any body else noticed this?
  • Anonymous User - Friday, September 19, 2003 - link

    So actually Nvidia shader(16/32) are not
    comparable with ATI shader(24-ms dx9 standard)!
    Too bad in a way or another they try to cheat
    again and again.......
    Very bad idea!
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 - link

    #104, the benchmarks and anand's analysis show that hl2 is gpu power limited, not memory/fillrate limited... the 9600 will be limited more by that than by memory or fillrate.
  • Anonymous User - Monday, September 15, 2003 - link

    I think #84 mentioned this, but I didn't see a reply. In the benches, the 9600 pro pulled the exact same (to within .1 fps, which could just be roundoff error) frame rates at 1024 and 1280.

    I don't think I've ever seen a card bump up res without taking a measurable hit (unless it was cpu-limited). In every other game, the 9600 takes a hit going from 1024 to 1280. And the 9700 and 9800 slow down when the resolution goes up, even though they're basically the same architecture. Someone screwed up, either the benchmarks or the graphs.
  • Anonymous User - Monday, September 15, 2003 - link

    #61 Did you take the time to see that valve limited their testing use. Anandtech had no say in all the tests because they were very time limited. Also, try to make coherent sentences.
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, September 14, 2003 - link

    It's not as if GIFs gobble bandwidth, I (as CAPTAIN DIALUP) don't even notice them loading. They're tiny. Even though I don't have trouble receiving this Flash stuff, it pisses me off, because sometimes the same scores will load for all the pages. Why not have a poll or something on this?

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