Asus CES 2015 Press Conference Live Blog

16 by Ryan Smith & Ian Cutress on 1/5/2015

NVIDIA Tegra X1 Preview & Architecture Analysis

In the past few years, we’ve seen NVIDIA shift their mobile strategy dramatically with time. With Tegra 2 and 3, we saw multiple design wins in the smartphone space...

194 by Joshua Ho & Ryan Smith on 1/5/2015

NVIDIA CES 2015 Press Conference Liveblog

18 by Ryan Smith & Joshua Ho on 1/4/2015

Samsung/NVIDIA Case Progresses: US ITC Begins NVIDIA Investigation

The legal battle between Samsung and NVIDIA over GPU licensing has turned another page this week, with the announcement from the United States International Trade Commission that it is...

30 by Ryan Smith on 12/24/2014

AnandTech Acquired By Purch

Over the past several years AnandTech has grown to be much more than just a PC hardware review site. In fact, we consider ourselves to be just as much...

345 by Ryan Smith on 12/17/2014

Win7 Driver Issues? Microsoft, AMD Recommend Uninstalling KB3004394

Though we don’t normally report on Windows updates, we’ll make an exception on this one. AMD sends word this evening that they are advising users to remove update KB3004394...

50 by Ryan Smith on 12/11/2014

Intel's Xeon Phi: After Knights Landing Comes Knights Hill

As SC’14 rolls on this week, taking part in the show’s events is Intel, who was at the show to deliver an update on the Xeon Phi lineup. As...

15 by Ryan Smith on 11/18/2014

Nokia Announces N1 Tablet: 7.9” & Powered By Android

Since selling their mobile device division to Microsoft, much contemplation has been had over the future of Nokia. As it slowly turns out, their future is not all that...

54 by Ryan Smith on 11/18/2014

NVIDIA Launches Tesla K80, GK210 GPU

Kicking off today is the annual International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, better known as SC. For NVIDIA, next to their annual GPU Technology Conference...

29 by Ryan Smith on 11/17/2014

NVIDIA Volta, IBM POWER9 Land Contracts For New US Government Supercomputers

The launch of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Titan Supercomputer was in many ways a turning point for NVIDIA’s GPU compute business. Though already into their third generation of Tesla...

29 by Ryan Smith on 11/17/2014

Apple A8X’s GPU - GXA6850, Even Better Than I Thought

Working on analyzing various Apple SoCs over the years has become a process of delightful frustration. Apple’s SoC development is consistently on the cutting edge, so it’s always great...

114 by Ryan Smith on 11/11/2014

Samsung Files Counter-Suit & Patent Infringement Claims Against NVIDIA & Velocity Micro

Back in September NVIDIA filed patent infringement complaints against Samsung and Qualcomm. The crux of the issue being that NVIDIA believes that GPUs from Qualcomm, ARM, and Imagination all...

59 by Ryan Smith on 11/11/2014

Imagination Announces PowerVR Series7 GPUs - Series7XT & Series7XE

Taking place this week are Imagination Technologies’ Chinese idc14 and Imagination Summits developer events. While Imagination holds these events in multiple countries over the year, the Chinese event is...

49 by Ryan Smith on 11/10/2014

Best Video Cards: October 2014

After a couple of months off due to a very busy fall product season, we’re finally back again with our monthly guide to video cards and video card industry...

73 by Ryan Smith on 10/30/2014

Lenovo Completes Motorola Mobility Purchase

Back towards the start of this year, Lenovo announced that it would be acquiring Motorola Mobility from Google. Motorola Mobility, the phone and gadget arm of Motorola, would be...

10 by Ryan Smith on 10/30/2014

Alienware's Graphics Amplifier Announced - An External Video Card Chassis Shipping Soon

The idea of an external PCI-Express chassis for video cards is practically as old as PCI-Express itself. However over the years the idea has failed to reach the consumer...

80 by Ryan Smith on 10/28/2014

ARM Announces Mali 800 Series GPUs - T860, T830, & T820

Due to a lack of total vertical integration and heavy focus on IP licensing, one of the more interesting aspects of the SoC development pipeline is that we get...

28 by Ryan Smith on 10/27/2014

ARM Announces Mali-V550 Video Processor & Mali-DP550 Display Processor

As part of ARM’s fall refresh of their Mali graphics product lineup, today ARM is announcing refreshes and new products in a number of product segments. All told ARM...

7 by Ryan Smith on 10/27/2014

AMD Releases Catalyst 14.9.2 Beta Drivers

As promised earlier this week, AMD has pushed out a new Catalyst beta driver release to go hand-in-hand with this week’s launch of Civilization: Beyond Earth. Though not...

17 by Ryan Smith on 10/25/2014

GlobalFoundries Acquires IBM’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Business; IBM Bows Out

The history of the semiconductor manufacturing business is both a story of great success and great failure. On the one hand semiconductor manufacturing has allowed the creation of devices...

31 by Ryan Smith on 10/20/2014

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