In an unexpected (and likely erroneous) move, AMD has published the specifications for their forthcoming mobile Kaveri APUs on their website this morning (scroll down and click on Model Comparisons and Product Specs, Update: they've since been pulled.).

Source: AMD

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  • extide - Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - link

    four 4GB 1600 modules would only be 25.6GB/sec .... it's still only dual channel ... Even with 4 DIMM's
  • jamescox - Thursday, May 29, 2014 - link

    Is there any reason they can't release an APU meant to be soldered on a board?. Combined with some fast memory, also soldered on the board, this could reach discrete GPU levels of performance. This seems like it would be cheaper than discrete graphics, and only slightly more expensive than integrated graphics with separate memory modules.
  • Flunk - Monday, May 26, 2014 - link

    It will be interesting to see the graphics performance on the FX-7600P. In theory it should be about on par with a mid-range mobile GPU. If it's even slightly close it could make a good budget gaming laptop that could be fairly thin, not having to cool a separate GPU. It would take a forward-thinking manufacturer to make one, however.
  • charliem76 - Monday, May 26, 2014 - link

    Given how frequently that happens, I suppose I'll have to settle for a value line a6 and hope that I can find the fx chip separately. That's what I had to do for trinity to get the a10
  • Penti - Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - link

    You better release the Carrizo APU's for mobile platforms right away when you get them out next year if you want a stake on notebooks AMD!

    They just fail on the notebook space and lacks so much thought and planing. Plus they absolutely need business features such as their vPro/AMT competitor DASH with remote IPKVM. They can't keep cutting features and graphics performance on notebooks either. It just makes them too weak. Kaveri on notebooks just seems pointless without 512 SP's, without the A5-trustzone core, without aggressive enough clock speeds, without any OEM-competition against Intel-models. If they could get ultrabook-class performance on their 19W variants and could undersell Intel maybe it would be interesting, but as it is now one couldn't care less if Intel's mobile processors is 300 dollars. An Intel low-end Haswell-based Ultrabook is still just 700 USD. Nobody cares about 50 USD differences in that range any way. Would need to be much larger differences.
  • t.s. - Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - link

    Agreed. AMD as of now is ridiculously in pricing, wether on mobile space or desktop.

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