With the launch of AMD’s Radeon R9 290X less than 2 weeks ago, the video card marketplace has become very active very quickly. The 290X not only reasserted AMD’s right to fight for the video card performance crown, but in doing so it has triggered an avalanche of pricing and positioning changes that have affected both NVIDIA and AMD.

NVIDIA for their part cut the price of the GTX 780 and GTX 770 to $500 and $330 respectively, repositioning the cards and giving them their first official price cuts since their spring launches. Meanwhile AMD has also made some changes, and although 290X is unaffected for the moment, 290 was affected before it even launched, receiving an arguably significant specification adjustment. Consequently with GTX 780’s price cut being NVIDIA’s counter to 290X, 290 has gone from just being a lower tier Hawaii card to also being AMD’s counter-counter, and in the process has become a somewhat different card than what it was going to be just one week ago.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s start at the beginning. With the successful launch of the 290X behind them, and the equally successful launch of their new flagship GPU Hawaii, AMD is ready to make their next move. Launching today will be the Radeon R9 290, the obligatory lower-tier part for AMD’s new flagship lineup. Making the usual tradeoffs for a lower-tier part, AMD is cutting down on both the number of functional units and the clockspeeds, the typical methods for die harvesting, in exchange for a lower price. Now officially AMD has not announced the Radeon R9 290 in advance, but with listings for it having already gone up on the same day as the 290X, it’s something that everyone has been expecting.

As always we’ll offer a full breakdown of performance and other attributes in the following pages, but before we even begin with that we want to point out that the 290 is going to be one of AMD’s most controversial and/or hotly debated launches in at least a couple of years. The merits of 290X were already hotly debated in some gaming circles for its noise relative to its performance and competition, and unfortunately 290 is going to be significantly worse in that respect. We’ll have a full rundown in the following pages, but in a nutshell AMD has thrown caution into the wind in the name of maximizing performance.

AMD GPU Specification Comparison
  AMD Radeon R9 290X AMD Radeon R9 290 AMD Radeon R9 280X AMD Radeon HD 7970
Stream Processors 2816 2560 2048 2048
Texture Units 176 160 128 128
ROPs 64 64 32 32
Core Clock 727MHz 662MHz 850MHz 925MHz
Boost Clock 1000MHz 947MHz 1000MHz N/A
Memory Clock 5GHz GDDR5 5GHz GDDR5 6GHz GDDR5 5.5GHz GDDR5
Memory Bus Width 512-bit 512-bit 384-bit 384-bit
FP64 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4
TrueAudio Y Y N N
Transistor Count 6.2B 6.2B 4.31B 4.31B
Typical Board Power ~300W (Unofficial) ~300W (Unofficial) 250W 250W
Manufacturing Process TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm
Architecture GCN 1.1 GCN 1.1 GCN 1.0 GCN 1.0
GPU Hawaii Hawaii Tahiti Tahiti
Launch Date 10/24/13 11/05/13 10/11/13 12/28/11
Launch Price $549 $399 $299 $549

Diving right into the hardware specifications, Radeon R9 290 is a bit more powerful than usual for a lower-tier part. AMD has cut the number of CUs from 44 to 40 – disabling 1 CU per SE – while adjusting down the base GPU clockspeed and boost GPU clockspeed to from 727MHz and 1000MHz to 662MHz and 947MHz respectively. However AMD has not cut the amount of memory, the memory clockspeed, the memory bus width, or the number of ROPs, leaving those at 5GHz for the memory clockspeed, 512-bits for the memory bus width, and all 64 ROPs for the back-end hardware.

As a result the differences between the 290 and 290X are on paper limited entirely to the clockspeed differences and the reduced number of CUs. At their top boost bins this gives 290 95% the clockspeed of 290X, and 91% of the shader hardware, giving 290 100% of 290X’s memory performance, 95% of 290X’s ROP and geometry performance, and 86% of 290X’s shading/texturing performance.

Compared to AMD’s last generation offerings, the 290 is going to be closer to 290X than 7950 was to 7970. 290 retains a larger percentage of 290X’s shader and ROP performance, never mind the fact that the full 320GB/sec of memory bandwidth is being retained. As such despite the wider price difference this time around, performance on paper is going to be notably closer. Paper will of course be the key word here, as in the case of 290 more so than any other card we’ve looked at in recent history theory and practice will not line up. Compared to the 290X, practice will be favoring the 290 by far.

Moving on to power consumption, perhaps because of AMD’s more aggressive specifications for their lower-tier card this time around, power consumption is not dropping at all. AMD is still not throwing us any useful hard numbers, but based on our performance data we estimate the 290 to have a nearly identical TDP to the 290X, leading us to keep it at an unofficial 300W. Lower-tier parts typically trade performance for power consumption, but that will not be the case here. Power consumption will be identical while performance will be down, so efficiency will be slipping and 290 will have all the same power/cooling requirements as 290X.

Meanwhile like the 290X launch, the 290 launch is going to be a hard launch, and a full reference launch at that. As such we’ll be seeing 290 cards go up for sale at the usual retailers today, with all of those cards using AMD’s reference cooler and reference board, itself unchanged from the 290X.

As for pricing and competitive positioning, AMD will be launching the 290 at what we consider to be a very aggressive price of $399. Based on the initial specifications, the performance, and the competition, we had been expecting AMD to launch this at $449, mirroring the launch of the 7950 in the process. But AMD has gone one step further by significantly undercutting both themselves and NVIDIA.

290’s immediate competition on the AMD side will be the $549 290X above it and the $299 280X below it, while on the NVIDIA side the competition will be the $499 GTX 780 above it and the $329 GTX 770 below it. Pricing wise this puts 290 as closer competition to 280X/GTX 770 than it does the high-tier cards, but as we’ll see in our benchmarks AMD is aiming for the top with regards to performance, which will make price/performance comparisons both interesting and frustrating at the same time.

NVIDIA for their part will have their 3 game Holiday GeForce Bundle on the GTX 780 and GTX 770, presenting the same wildcard factor for overall value that we saw with the 290X launch. As always, the value of bundles are ultimately up to the buyer, especially in this case since we’re looking at a rather significant $100 price gap between the 290 and the GTX 780.

Fall 2013 GPU Pricing Comparison
Radeon R9 290X $550  
  $500 GeForce GTX 780
Radeon R9 290 $400  
  $330 GeForce GTX 770
Radeon R9 280X $300  
  $250 GeForce GTX 760
Radeon R9 270X $200  
  $180 GeForce GTX 660
  $150 GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost
Radeon R7 260X $140  


AMD's Last Minute 290 Revision & Meet The Radeon R9 290
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  • kwrzesien - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    I would agree with you if the 280X was actually a re-spin of the Tahiti silicon and included TrueAudio and whatever other IP and low-level changes come with the Hawaii die, just with Tahiti configuration and speed. Unfortunately it's not, and is already out of date.

    I was hoping that the 290 would be the perfect solution with all the newest features but cut down to reasonable power/temp/noise limits - but that is not to be. Maybe they need a 290L.
  • cactusdog - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    I thought most people bought custom cooler highend cards these days anyway, unless you're on water. The reference cards don't seem to last very long, if you look on newegg for current cards like NVidia 7 series and AMD 7970 etc, most cards on sale are non-reference models. For some models you cant find a reference model. Personally, I haven't bought a reference blower cooler for a couple of generations, even the "quiet" versions are much louder than a good non reference cooler like Twin frosr, Asus DCUII or Sapphire Toxic and Giga Windforce.
  • Braincruser - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    nVidia is in no trouble, even if it doesn't sell a single card anymore, all it has to do is move to making hearing aids.
  • Conduit - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    Anandtech showing it's ignorance as usual. This is THE high end card to get right now, who cares if it's loud? Most people game with headsets so won't even hear it in game.
  • Homeles - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    "it's ignorance"

    Lol. A bit of a hypocrite, are we?
  • Da W - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    Dear ASUS, MSI, XFX, HSI and others.
    I usually purchase AMD to help them stay alive.
    You have until Christmas to come up with a 290X card using a Nvidia 780 style cooler, or even a water cooler unit by default.
    Else i will make due with a GTX 780 and their better bundle of game.
  • Conduit - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    Don't worry lol, there is still 7 weeks to go until Christmas, if they can't get out custom cooled cards by then then they deserve to get bankrupt.
  • ruthan - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    I personally prefer fanless solution, but if you need performance, i cant use it.. But those cards, are abomination of the week.

    We need performance gained by better effectivity, not by add other 50Watss power and vacuum cleaner fan inside.

    I think that resonable power consumation limit is around 150W, this could be cooled, by big passive cooler and 2-1000 RPM Noctua or others quit fans.
  • coldpower27 - Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - link

    I wish we could just stick to 150W but with this many transistors of computing it just isn't possible. Your probably won't get this level of performance at 150W till next generation.
  • piroroadkill - Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - link

    Dear AMD,
    Please either:
    a) make sure you launch with the option of blower AND open quiet cooler
    b) make sure you launch with partner custom cards
    c) give up making blowers

    These cards clearly have headroom and are incredible value. Don't give people a reason to moan about them.

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