Conclusion: But You'll Pay for the Privilege

So now that you've seen what a monster the HP EliteBook 8760w is, you get to experience the sad knowledge that you'll probably never afford one like the one we tested unless your job buys it for you. It's an incredibly attractive piece of kit, but $6,500 is a heck of a lot to pay for a notebook. So let's see if we can't break that down somewhat, shall we?

First of all, the major upgrades that bury the needle on the price are the NVIDIA Quadro 5010M, the DreamColor display, and the SSD. The Quadro 5010M costs a punishing $700, while the DreamColor is $650 and the SSD is $500. If you just want a solid workstation notebook, the 8760w preconfigured model at $3,499 seems a heck of a lot more reasonable, giving you a decent workstation GPU and the benefits of the DreamColor display. You sacrifice 8GB of RAM, the i7-2820QM, the SSD, the blu-ray drive, and the Quadro 5010M, but the RAM and SSD at least can be made up for down the road (though it's worth mentioning the upgrade cost on the SSD at least isn't unreasonable). The problem is Dell will sell you a Precision M6600 with roughly the same specs and performance as HP's $3,499 EliteBook 8760w for $2,624, and that's a massive difference. When you look at it that way, the premium on the DreamColor display goes up to nearly a grand.

There's another wrinkle, too. If you're willing to put up with a bit more noise, a lot more weight, and a non-IPS glossy screen, Clevo's X7201 actually supports the Quadro 5010M and some boutique vendors like AVADirect offer it (for an impressive $2,000 upgrade cost). If performance is the only metric you're interested in, the Clevo X7201 is nigh unbeatable, since you can get the Quadro 5010M and an i7-990X hex-core desktop processor.

So why buy the EliteBook 8760w? If build quality and aesthetics aren't a concern for you and you have no need for HP's helpful Performance Advisor software, it's going to come down to exclusives. HP can sell you the DreamColor IPS display and NVIDIA Quadro 5010M with 4GB of GDDR5; the best Dell can match on the screen is a high-quality TN panel (or even a touchscreen if that's what you're into), and they only go up to the Quadro 4000M at present (though we'll almost certainly see 5000M/5010M at some point).

When you're dealing with notebooks that cost as much as cars, it's a little difficult to make recommendations. That's doubly true as you start having to make compromises and trade-offs. What's most important? Battery life? Mobility? GPU performance? CPU performance? Build quality? Display quality? The HP EliteBook 8760w undoubtedly finds a niche here, offering the best mobile workstation GPU performance alongside very fast processors and a fantastic IPS display that the other vendors can't touch. Build quality is also frankly stellar, and it's not too heavy given the high performance components inside.

Oh, you'll pay for the privilege. Then again, if you need a mobile workstation and you happen to use one of those >$20K software packages these are certified to run, what's another six grand?

HP's Cruelest Cut: DreamColor in 1080p
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  • slb14 - Friday, August 26, 2011 - link

    Crack. It's what one would have to smoke to spend over $6k on a laptop.
    I don't care if it's fast, light, and washes my cats. That's just hilarious.
  • sjprg2 - Friday, August 26, 2011 - link

    Its a business tool. 4 sales of my landscapes and its paid for.
  • digitalzombie - Friday, August 26, 2011 - link

    Yeah, i think 14-14.5 is the sweet spot for me. Gimme one with IPS and I'll be happy. Is HP build quality getting better? Cause they bought compaq and compaq was horrible at least for me.
  • JarredWalton - Friday, August 26, 2011 - link

    Sorry Jecs... you replied to a spammer post (the web address in the link was one of those stupid fashion-related spamming sites we've had lately). I've removed the account (only4customer) but here's you response to his post:
    Desktop monitors are on another class of color accuracy, color depth, screen uniformity, gamut, black or white levels, grays, contrast, almost everything. But I can't remember right now where I read the review. It is directly related to the stronger backlighting technology or possibilities on desktop monitors. Desktop monitors even include very powerful graphic cards and circuits with dedicated chips and memory for internal 16 bit per channel signal processing. This is very difficult to solve inside the limited space laptops provides.

    To my experience the best laptop monitors are clearly inferior to the best desktops if you have both screens directly available in the same room with the same source side by side.

    However this Dreamcolor HP screen may be the best mobile screen in the market right now and I guess it could even give some cheaper IPS desktop monitors a circle or 2.
  • jecs - Saturday, August 27, 2011 - link

    Ok, Thanks
  • cbass64 - Saturday, August 27, 2011 - link

    Isn't the C300 6Gbps?
  • SteveLord - Saturday, August 27, 2011 - link

    You can customize these for less than half of that $6k tag............
  • SteveLord - Saturday, August 27, 2011 - link

    I actually bought one of these at work, with the Dreamcolor screen too. It is the best looking laptop screen I've seen and maintains the top quality that their Dreamcolor monitors have (I have one of those too.)

    Unlike probably most of the people here, I've also had the 2 previous generations of these Elitebooks and this is a huge improvement.
  • extremepcs - Monday, August 29, 2011 - link

    $6,500 for a laptop? There isn't enough crack on the planet...
  • yorty - Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - link

    so cool!
    Processor Intel Core i7-2820QM
    (4x2.3GHz, 32nm, 8MB L3, Turbo to 3.4GHz, 45W)
    Chipset Intel QM67
    Memory 4x4GB Samsung DDR3-1333 (Max 4x8GB)
    Graphics NVIDIA Quadro 5010M 4GB GDDR5
    (384 CUDA cores, 450MHz/900MHz/2.6GHz core/shader/memory clocks, 256-bit memory bus)

    It's very cool. if the graphics is GTX will be a powerful notebook.
    play games, listen music,have a nice browse internet, it........just amazing!`

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