Benchmarking - Sound

The other performance meter when it comes to cases is noise levels. We measure the noise levels of the Nemesis and Nemesis Elite 12" away from the closed chassis with the power supply and heat sink fans turned off. Take a look at our results.

Sound Benchmarks

NZXT has included extremely high quality fans in its Nemesis Elite edition chassis, which shows in the sound portion of our benchmarks. With all three fans turned on, the most sound produced was at levels around 54dBA. The steel Nemesis model produced about 49dBA on average, since it had one less fan.

Benchmarking - Thermal Final Words
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  • Dranzerk - Saturday, February 5, 2005 - link

    You are %100 correct. I did not even go past page 1 after seeing pictures of this Voltron looking pos case.

  • semo - Saturday, February 5, 2005 - link

    is it me or does anandtech not listen to its readers... a lot of us want to see non-gimicky decent funtional cases, for example, cases designed for water cooling, cases designed for lots of room, cases designed to be quiet (btx? (just a suggestion, not looking for trouble)), all of the above and so on.

    not saying to stop review those .... umm, argh.. i-don't-even-know-what-to-call-'em-anymore cases. some ppl like those cute ugly things

    what do you think Purav. i'm not being unreasonable, am i?
  • ksherman - Saturday, February 5, 2005 - link

    damn... thats fuggly

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