AnandTech Web Tests

One of the biggest issues in doing enterprise class web and database server benchmarking is that the test suites for conducting such benchmarks are simply too few and far in between.

There are some benchmarks out there that are great for simulating extremely large workloads. However, there is very little designed for the vast majority of scenarios into which these 2-way and 4-way servers are deployed.

In order to compare the Opteron and Xeon in a real-world fashion, we took the time to create some of our own benchmarks. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all...

Let’s Not Forget Intel The Evolution of the Web Server
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  • Superbike - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    CRAMITPAL right as always!
  • Jeff7181 - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    You'd think some people here have a huge investment in AMD the way they touch their balls every time AMD comes out ahead in a benchmark.

    Anyway, it's nice to see some benchmarks that clearly show what AMD processors are capable of... only other thing I'd like to see is the cost of the configurations used. That would even extend AMD's "lead."
  • morcegovermelho - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    The last sentence should be read as:
    try in calculator 141 + 82.3%. The result is 257,043.
  • morcegovermelho - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    "The Opteron 248 setup managed to outperform Intel’s fastest, largest cache Xeon MP by a whopping 45%"
    I think the number should be 82,3%.
    If the Opteron was twice as fast (100% faster) as the Xeon the Average Request Time would be half of 257ms (128.5ms). The Opteron Average Request Time is 141ms (82% faster than Xeon).
    Try in calculator: 141 + 82%. The result is 257,043.
  • Shinei - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    The message is clear: Opteron wins, flawless victory. Now if only I could AFFORD a 248 setup... ;)
  • RZaakir - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    "it would of been nice to have taken out a singnal(sic) opteron also so(sic) see 1x proformance."

    Knowing how well Opteron chips scale, this was probably a decision made out of mercy for Intel.
  • Nehemoth - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

  • dvinnen - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    it would of been nice to have taken out a singnal opteron also so see 1x proformance.
  • jerkweed - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    Quote: Intel was not very receptive to the idea of doing a head-to-head; not out of a fear of losing, but out of a desire not to lend AMD any credibility by showing that the Opteron is indeed a competitor to the Itanium 2.

    That might be what Intel told AT, but honestly, Intel is terrified of seeing a head-to-head benchmark for an application like this. Itanium/Itanium 2 (known by most HPC/64-bit gearheads as 'Itanic') will show numbers much slower than even their Xeons for a web benchmark. The vast majority of all web-server cpu usage is INT specific... look at the numbers for spec INT yourself:
  • Falco. - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 - link

    all i can say is damn...
    can't wait for that 4 way shootout and the opteron vs itanium test ...

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